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Apple confirms that there is a "property" in the Ipad Pro may cause its inclusion

Many users of Apple's Tablet PC have raised the issue of what was known as the "iPhone 6" scandal after its ease of folding, and it seems that the story may be renewed with the new iPad Pro.

According to the media and technical support forums, dozens of people who bought the iPad Pro late last November complained that they had reached the device with a little curve, which brought to mind the iPhone 6 issue, raising concerns about a similar Apple scandal, but the company responded to the charges.

According to The Verge, company officials have already confirmed this problem in some iPad Pro devices, but they did not consider it a technical problem or even a manufacturing problem. They basically attributed the problem to the fact that the problem is sometimes referred to as aggregation, which may cause In the appearance of bends in the chassis of the device without explanation.