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Pipe 2 Headset supports audio quality with USB C standards and price of $ 40

Aiaiai has provided smart phone users a Pipe 2 headset that supports USB C standards, which is a good choice in headphones that combine audio quality and the price of $ 40.

Many smartphone manufacturers have begun to adopt USB C standards in charging ports and to support the use of headphones, but the options available to users are still limited between high pricing or lower audio quality, but Pipe 2 is one of the options that offers the user the quality of audio with the price of 40 Dollars.

The Bullets from OnePlus, one of the best choices made in the recent USB C speakers, which combine a reasonable price of $ 20 with a comfortable experience in use and a good level of audio, but the best experience in the audio provided by the company Aiaiai Danish with Earphone Pipe 2.

The Pipe 2 comes at $ 40, a double price for the One Plus headset, but offers a more powerful design and audio enhancements with greater clarity and purity in the audio.

The practical experience of the Pipe 2 has also revealed sound efficiency and a comfortable experience of use no less than the level of the Bullets, but the One Plus headset is designed to support audio production with a medium bass, while Aiaiai in Pipe 2 design focuses on the support of the speaker frequencies will add Harmonized and natural audio with the ability to adjust the speakers according to the preference of the user.

Pipe 2 also comes with a higher level of bass, but it offers Aiaiai a three-dimensional sound technology. The company was able to design this version with professional audio and exterior design, which also features thicker design wires and a well-designed remote control.