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Reject Legal Action Against Google For Facial Recognition Technology In Photo Application

The Chicago court found no evidence against Google in the lawsuit against Google for violating the privacy of face recognition technology on Google Photos.

In March of 2016, Google was sued for violating the privacy of facial recognition technology introduced in Google's application. The plaintiffs demanded $ 5 million in compensation, $ 5,000 for residents in the state of Chicago, and $ 1,000 for accidental abuse In the images application.

This lawsuit was rejected in the state of Chicago against Google, where the judge pointed out in the judgment that there is no evidence to condemn Google in violation of the privacy of users in the application of images, also did not provide legal advocates any evidence confirms their claims about the damage Physical damage to them when using Google Images.

There are many predictions that this lawsuit has not been successful since the beginning, where the face recognition feature in Google images to classify the picture between the images of pets and people, for example by collecting biometric information from images that allow the connection of names recognized faces on her.