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Meditations The new platform games are launched online

The latest gaming platform launched on the Internet with a new idea, the Meditations platform offers the advantage of running small games daily on the gaming platform in 2019.

A new platform that allows users to experiment with random games with a different mini-game every day of the year in 2019, where the Meditations developer supports players with a different gaming experience every day.

Rami Ismail, President of Vlambeer Studios and creator of the new gaming platform, stressed that each game will be launched on a Meditations platform that will be available to users on a given day. He also said that he has tried the short games in 2017 and has developed a platform that launches this category of games Day of the year, where he contributed to the development of this category of games hundreds of developers through 2018.

According to Rami Ismail, the games on the gaming platform are compatible with all tastes, starting with the game Tempres developed through takori, so we look forward to the evolution of the gaming platform this year.