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Sensory develops an industrial intelligence capable of recognizing the quality of sounds

Would it be nice if home appliances like smartphones could tell you if you heard something unusual like the sound of breaking glass or breaking doors? Sensory is developing an artificial intelligence technology that can recognize the sounds it hears and take the necessary action if needed. This is called TrulySecure Sound ID.

Artificial intelligence can now detect many environmental sounds, including dog barking, home security or smoke alarms, low battery warnings, doorbells, knockouts and glass breaking, can send a warning or even a section of what you hear, and in this way you will know if You had to contact the authorities or anything else that happened in your home that you should be aware of.

Sound Recognition is part of Sensory's artificial intelligence range for speakers and Internet devices that work fully with the device, but does not send data to cloud storage to prevent concerns about privacy and security. In addition to sound technology, Sensory also released a cloud-free voice control for Bluetooth speakers at CES 2019.

This special product will scan for manufacturers to download their devices through voice control that uses their own activation passwords, which means no need to rely on the Alexa Assistant or Google Assistant.