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Now take a free course (priced $ 200) in encryption

We have repeatedly emphasized on many occasions the importance of self-training and its great benefit to our professional and private lives. Learning is now as easy as it is. All the information and lessons are available on the Internet in various disciplines, and in almost all languages. The majority of these lessons and materials may be found for free. "Free means.

As usual, we will publish links to some free courses, whether in programming, design, protection or even languages. Today, there is no exception to this. I offer you a free and important course for every security researcher and anyone who wants to learn encryption.

The course is offered by the "udemy" platform and is priced at $ 200, but you can now take advantage of it for free. A course on encryption. You will learn a range of techniques in this field and explain its basics, PKI and AES, and how to build a cryptographic algorithm and decode it in Java.