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Google brings the messaging feature to Google Maps application

New leaks published via Reddit revealed Google's plans to bring the messaging feature into a new update from Google Maps.

The new messaging feature is based on the Google Maps application on the Andoride platform. This feature is intended to support users of the application in communicating with business owners. However, the leaks do not confirm the extent to which business owners have responded to this feature at the moment.

The new feature is also due to appear in Google Maps settings, where you can click on the tab to start conversations with business owners via the company's Google page.

This feature is intended to support users in communicating with store owners or companies, for example, asking companies directly about services, or getting information from companies or stores that are difficult to reach by phone quickly.

Of course, the new feature is still unofficial at the moment, but it's a good feature that may provide support for Google Maps users in the coming period.